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Mining the Motherlode
Educators Corner

Welcome to our teacher's corner! This section of the Mining the Motherlode Website is designed to assist educators in preparing lessons on historic Wells, hardrock mining and gold. Though the exercises and lessons outlined are aimed at grades 5 and 10, most can be adapted to any grade level planning an virtual or ACTUAL visit to Wells. As a general guideline, use the grade 5 outline and links for elementary levels and the grade 10 exercises and outline for the high school level.

Most school districts in British Columbia visit nearby (8 kilometres away) Barkerville Historic Town in grades 5 and 10 as a part of their curriculum, so this is a unique opportunity to include Wells in your Barkerville tour.

The benefits of visiting both towns include learning about two different types of mining rushes (placer mining in Barkerville and lode mining in Wells) in separate time periods (1860's Barkerville vs. 1930's Wells). It provides students with an opportunity to study and analyze in depth an important Canadian natural resource industry. Wells also has a special distinction of being one of the few communities to thrive during the Great Depression that hit most of North America and Europe during the 1930's. While the rest of the world was enduring great hardship and employment was at an all time low, Wells was riding on an economic high. This makes Wells an excellent case-study for this time period.

From here...use the side bar to choose grade 5 (elementary level) or grade 10 (high school level) for the rest of the educational portion of the site.

There is a resource section containing all sources, links and glossaries for the site and a teacher's resource guide available for classroom use.

Download Complete Teacher's Resource Guide!

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Content developed by The Shark Group now Discovery Designs
Last updated: January 26,2001.