Daily Life
- Standards of accommodation
- en route
- in Wells (cabins, boarding houses, hotels, motels)
- heating
- food preparation and storage
- water
- Household chores
- chopping wood
- laundry
- food preparation and dishes
- cleaning
- how did the single miner deal with these
- how did families
- Leisure time
- more or less than today
- how spent
- Clothing
- what did men's and ladies' clothing look like in the 1930's? Children's?
- styles
- Other services supplied by community
- Government, law and order
- representatives of government of Wells
- crime (how was law and order maintained, Judges, Magistrates)
- Communication
- methods (mail, word of mouth, newspaper)
- Transportation
- effect of road conditions and transportation on community life (shortages of goods, high prices)
- Education
- first school
- conditions in early school house
- number of students
- Health and social services
- doctors
- Hospital
- conditions in mines
- did they have welfare, U.I.C., or Worker's Compensation
- subscriptions (collections to help an ailing citizen or provide money for burial)
- Recreation and culture
- hotels
- horse races
- gambling
- library
- drama
- sports
- special events
- Religion
- Catholic Church
- Anglican Church
- other churches
- Sunday School
- Demography
- main racial groups
- white
- chinese
- Irish
- Swedish, etc.
- ethnic community
- reasons for coming to Canada
- occupations
- merchants
- associations
- religions and burial
- celebrations
- physical features
- Blacks
- Indians
- very few in Wells
- reasons
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